Neonatal: Gender, birth weight, gestational and postnatal age, Apgar1 mg/dl is considered abnormal.ĬSF parameters: Leukocyte count, red cells, glucose and protein.Ĭultures: Agents isolated in blood and CSF. Parametric and non-parametric tests were used (statistical value p18 hours chorioamnionitis (maternal fever associated with at least two signs among the following: uterine hypotonia, fetid amniotic fluid, maternal leukocytosis, maternal or fetal tachycardia) premature labor and delivery. The variables investigated were birth weight, gestational and postnatal age, procedures, hematological and CSF parameters, and complications. Newborns with meningitis confirmed by positive CSF culture were included those with congenital infection or malformations that made lumbar puncture impossible were excluded. This was a ten-year retrospective study conducted at a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). VClinical Pathologist responsible for the Microbiology Laboratory, Hospital das Clínicasġ8618-970 Botucatu SP - aim of this study was to evaluate the incidence of and mortality due to meningitis and compare data according to microbiological diagnosis. IVPhysician in the Neonatal Unit, Hospital das Clínicas IIIFull Professor in the Discipline of Neonatology, Department of Pediatrics IPhD, Assistant Professor in the Discipline of Neonatology, Department of Pediatrics Maria Regina Bentlin I Gabriel Luís Ferreira II Ligia Maria Suppo de Souza Rugolo III Geraldo Henrique Soares Silva IV Alessandro Lia Mondelli III Antonio Rugolo Júnior I Meningite neonatal de acordo com diagnóstico microbiológico: uma década de experiência em centro terciário Neonatal meningitis according to the microbiological diagnosis: a decade of experience in a tertiary center Meningite recém-nascido sistema nervoso central sepse Meningite não foi freqüente, mas apresentou alta mortalidade e complicações. Gram-negativos causaram abscessos e mais frequentemente ventriculite e hidrocefalia. Sepse, convulsões e óbitos foram frequentes e não diferiram entre os grupos. Grupos não diferiram quanto ao peso ao nascimento, idades gestacional e pós-natal, procedimentos e por parâmetros hematológicos e liquóricos. Dos 22 casos, 59% foram por bactérias Gram-negativas 36% por bactérias Gram-positivas e 5% por fungos. A incidência de meningite foi de 0,6% e mortalidade de 27%. Testes paramétricos e não paramétricos foram utilizados (valor estatístico p<0,05). Variáveis: peso ao nascimento, idades gestacional e pós natal, procedimentos, parâmetros hematológicos e liquóricos, complicações. Incluídos RNs com meningite confirmada por cultura de líquor positiva RN com infecção congênita ou malformações que impedem punção lombar foram excluídos. Estudo retrospectivo, de 10 anos, em UTI Neonatal. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar incidência e mortalidade da meningite e comparar dados de acordo com o diagnóstico microbiológico. Meningitis newborn central nervous system sepsis Meningitis was infrequent, but presented high mortality and frequent complications. Gram-negative cases showed abscesses and higher frequency of ventriculitis and hydrocephaly. Sepsis, convulsions and deaths were frequent in both groups, without statistical difference. The groups did not differ in relation to birth weight, gestational and postnatal age, procedures or hematological and CSF parameters. Of the 22 cases, 59% involved Gram-negative bacteria 36% Gram-positive and 5% fungi. The incidence of meningitis was 0.6% and mortality was 27%.

Parametric and non-parametric tests were used (statistical value p<0.05).

The aim of this study was to evaluate the incidence of and mortality due to meningitis and compare data according to microbiological diagnosis.