
Platypus facts interesting
Platypus facts interesting

platypus facts interesting

The platypus maintains a constant body temperature of 32 ☌. The platypus has the lowest body temperature of any mammal The duration of REM sleep in platypus is 6 to 8 hours daily, more than any other animal on the planet! I wonder what they dream about? 2. REM sleep has been linked to dreaming and vivid imagery. The mammalian sleep cycle consists of two stages, REM (rapid eye movement) and non-REM. That’s right! Platypuses sleep, on average, 14 hours per day whereas us humans average 7 to 9 hours. Here we go, platypus facts that will blow your mind… A playful male platypus. To find out the riveting answers, you have to keep reading! I hope you enjoy reading this blog post as much and I enjoyed writing it. I will also answer all your burning questions: ‘do platypus have venom?’, ‘what is a baby platypus called?’, ‘what do platypus eat?’, and even the most fundamental question ‘what is a platypus?’. Here I share fascinating platypus facts and explain their unique adaptations.

#Platypus facts interesting full

I went into full zoologist mode to learn all I could about these amazing animals. They almost look fake, like they were glued together…but more about that later. They are odd-looking creatures with a duck-bill, the tail of a beaver, and the feet and fur of an otter. In fact, I went out of my way to visit two wildlife sanctuaries where I got to see three live platypuses. The platypus is arguably the world’s strangest mammal, and hands down the most interesting animal I saw during my time in Australia. I’m back with another Aussie animal article and this time I’m bringing you 15 awesome platypus facts.

Platypus facts interesting